Titles of exhibits and bookmarks

What changes can be made to the titles of the exhibits and bookmarks of the files generated by the "Document Stamping" tool?

Corentin Soucachet

Last Update 3 years ago

By default, the exhibits stamping tool is configured to comply with both the French rules of communication of documents applicable before the judicial courts and the more precise rules applied before the administrative courts.

Thus, the list of exhibits as well as the exhibits titles or, if the option "Merge documents into a single file" is selected, the bookmark titles are established on the basis of the names of the files uploaded by the user or the names that the user has entered in the web application when filling in the "Rename file" field.

By default and in accordance with the rules applicable before the administrative courts, the following changes are made to the file names:

  • the letters accompanied by a diacritic (accent, umlaut or cedilla) used in French (à - â - ä - é - è - ê - ë - ï - î - ô - ö - ù - û - ü - ÿ - ç) are replaced by the same letters without a diacritic (as an example, an "à" becomes an "a")
  • special characters ("%", "/", "&", etc.), as well as dots (".") are replaced by dashes "-" (usually called "six dashes")
  • exhibits titles exceeding 80 characters are shortened to respect this limit.

If the user does not wish to have the exhibits titles or bookmarks changed in this manner, the user must select "No" in the "Additional Options" of the document stamping tool for the "Apply Télérecours Formatting" option.

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